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Join Us for a Sneak Peek of Our Latest Neighborhood Expansion!

It’s a New Year! A new future of possibilities awaits.

Due to high demand, the Courtyard Neighborhood is expanding! There are 52 new spacious apartment homes coming soon. They will offer a maintenance-free lifestyle and the opportunity to enjoy the services, amenities and programs that make John Knox Village Kansas City’s most popular retirement community.

Join us in-person for complimentary lunch and learn more about the expansion.

Manager of sales Natalie Chisam will kick off the new year letting you in on all of the benefits of the Courtyard expansion, including how to secure special pricing, finishes and floor plan selection.


January 18
11:30 am - 1:00 pm


The Courtyard at John Knox Village
518 N.W. Murray Road
Lee's Summit, MO 64081 United States
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